A mysterious skeleton buried in a shallow grave beneath a famous ancient monument. Who was he? How long had he been there? And why had his head been severed from its body? Archaeologist Mike Pitts works with scientists, forensics experts and historian to dig up ominous information about early Britain and the circumstances that surrounded the man's death. Was he a cattle thief, an insurgent, or a pagan sacrifice in a newly Christian world? (UK/PBS 55 min)
2 - 1Witches Curse June 26, 2001
2 - 2Murder at Stonehenge July 03, 2001
2 - 3Death at Jamestown July 10, 2001
2 - 4Day of the Zulu July 17, 2001
2 - 5Tomb of Christ July 24, 2001
2 - 6The Syphilis Enigma July 31, 2001