Videopinion - Wiarton Willy Wiarton Willy's widow, Winnie, delivers her late husband's eulogy Smokers' Commentary Smokers Phil and Jerry talk about Jean Chretien's social contract with the provinces, PEI snow removal crews go to a Leaf's game, Groundhog Day, blowing forty bucks at the Super Bowl, Nova Scotia coal miners, smuggling refugees under a truck, sex causes amnesia, Canadian military in Kosovo, American Senate doesn't get the two thirds vote, and legislation for American magazines coming into Canada House of Commons Translation The House of Commons provides simultaneous translation for those who don't speak Chretien-adian Joe Clark and Leslie Jones Leslie Jones interviews Joe Clark, who sums up the idea of uniting the right in three words, ""Just Say No"" Aphazard on Fat Professor Llewllyn Aphazard lectures on the evolution of fat Linehan Talk show host Brian Linehan interviews Italian director Alfredo Fettuccini Ted Nugent on Bear Hunt Ban Rocker Te
6 - 1Episode 6-01 October 02, 1998
6 - 2Episode 6-02 October 09, 1998
6 - 3Episode 6-03 October 16, 1998
6 - 4Episode 6-04 October 23, 1998
6 - 5Episode 6-05 October 30, 1998
6 - 6Episode 6-06 November 13, 1998
6 - 7Episode 6-07 November 20, 1998
6 - 8Episode 6-08 November 27, 1998
6 - 9Episode 6-09 December 04, 1998
6 - 106-New Year's Special December 31, 1998
6 - 11Episode 6-10 January 08, 1999
6 - 12Episode 6-11 January 15, 1999
6 - 13Episode 6-12 January 22, 1999
6 - 14Episode 6-13 January 29, 1999
6 - 15Episode 6-14 February 05, 1999
6 - 16Episode 6-15 February 12, 1999