Canadian Moment The Air Farce doughnut shop regulars uncover the first known case of Mad Cheese Disease.. S&M Block Leather, whips and chains can only mean one thing: it's tax time at S&M Block.. Stumpy Tom Conway Stumpy Tom sings his way out of the closet. Red Green Guest star Red Green builds a low cost clock radio. Paul Martin and Sheila Copps Paul Martin and the GST--the Goodbye Sheila Tax. Professor Aphazard Helpful hygiene hints from the professor. Chicken Cannon The chicken cannon goes out with a Royal bang! Clinton and Yeltsin
3 - 1Episode 3-01 October 13, 1995
3 - 2Episode 3-02 October 20, 1995
3 - 3Episode 3-03 October 27, 1995
3 - 4Episode 3-04 November 03, 1995
3 - 5Episode 3-05 November 10, 1995
3 - 6Episode 3-06 November 17, 1995
3 - 7Episode 3-07 November 24, 1995
3 - 8Episode 3-08 December 01, 1995
3 - 9Episode 3-09 December 08, 1995
3 - 103-New Year's Special December 31, 1995
3 - 113-Instant Classics Episode #1 January 12, 1996
3 - 12Episode 3-10 January 19, 1996
3 - 13Episode 3-11 January 26, 1996
3 - 14Episode 3-12 February 02, 1996
3 - 15Episode 3-13 February 09, 1996
3 - 16Episode 3-14 February 16, 1996
3 - 17Episode 3-15 February 23, 1996
3 - 18Episode 3-16 March 01, 1996
3 - 19Episode 3-17 March 08, 1996
3 - 20Episode 3-18 March 15, 1996
3 - 21Episode 3-19 March 22, 1996
3 - 22Episode 3-20 March 29, 1996
3 - 23Episode 3-21 April 05, 1996
3 - 243-Instant Classics Episode #2 April 12, 1996