Diana 2020 Princess Diana, 25 years and 50 pounds in the future. That Old Time Refooooorm Preston Manning cruises into Stornoway and does the Risky Business of Reform 'n Roll! CP Spike CP Rail drives the last spike into their Montreal headquarters. CBC, The Sequel Perrin Beatty surfs the new, leaner CBC schedule. The National Cutback Peter Mansbridge and Hana Gartner learn to cope with cutbacks to The National and The National Magazine. Gun Control A gun activist shoots his mouth off against the government's new gun control legislation. Chicken Cannon The Brian Mulroney Casserole: Sour Grapes, freshly skimmed cream, chili (that will give you a kickback) and some festive marshmallows.
3 - 1Episode 3-01 October 13, 1995
3 - 2Episode 3-02 October 20, 1995
3 - 3Episode 3-03 October 27, 1995
3 - 4Episode 3-04 November 03, 1995
3 - 5Episode 3-05 November 10, 1995
3 - 6Episode 3-06 November 17, 1995
3 - 7Episode 3-07 November 24, 1995
3 - 8Episode 3-08 December 01, 1995
3 - 9Episode 3-09 December 08, 1995
3 - 103-New Year's Special December 31, 1995
3 - 113-Instant Classics Episode #1 January 12, 1996
3 - 12Episode 3-10 January 19, 1996
3 - 13Episode 3-11 January 26, 1996
3 - 14Episode 3-12 February 02, 1996
3 - 15Episode 3-13 February 09, 1996
3 - 16Episode 3-14 February 16, 1996
3 - 17Episode 3-15 February 23, 1996
3 - 18Episode 3-16 March 01, 1996
3 - 19Episode 3-17 March 08, 1996
3 - 20Episode 3-18 March 15, 1996
3 - 21Episode 3-19 March 22, 1996
3 - 22Episode 3-20 March 29, 1996
3 - 23Episode 3-21 April 05, 1996
3 - 243-Instant Classics Episode #2 April 12, 1996